Rad pro international Germany
Rad pro international Germany

Rad pro international - Germany.
Main supplier for radiation detection and radiation personal and environmental dosimetry
- TLD readers.
- TLD cards.
- TLD badges.
- Gamma Sphere –environmental dosimeter.
- TLD oven.
- N2 generator and handling tools.
- **Special - second hand readers.
Neutron Dosimetry and spectroscopy:
- CR39 material and development services.
- CR39 etching and reading systems.
- neutron spectroscopy systems
Radiation therapy Phantom:
- Dynamic anatomical respiring humanoid phantom.
- Anthropomorphic Phantoms for nuclear medicine and Kohrman injection therapy.
For any request, question offer or other pls. contact.
AB-AD tech&eng ltd Arie abraham 052-2735412 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.