KINHENG CRYSTAL material ( shanghai) co LTD
KINHENG CRYSTAL material ( shanghai) co LTD

Scintillator Crystal:
GAGG Ce scintillator and scintillation Crystal , CsI (Ti) scintillator and scintillation crystal , NaI (Ti) scintillator and scintillation crystal, BGO scintillator and scintillation crystal , LYSO( Ce). LSO (Ce) YSO (Ce) CWO, PWO and YAP(Ce) scintillator and scintillation crystal
Scintillator array:
LYSO (Ce), CsI (Ti) , BGO and GAGG (Ce) scintillator array
Single crystal:
MgO, LaAIO3, KTaO3, BaTIO3, LiGaO2, Zro2, GaAS, Ge,
For more information contact:
AB-AD tech&eng ltd arie abraham 052-2735412 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.